As you may know, California recently legalized gay marriage. It took a long time and lots of legal action, but it's here! I have been at numerous weddings and celebrations since the law took effect, and it's great to see people be able to celebrate their relationships.
In the upcoming elections, there's a ballot measure, Proposition 8, to outlaw gay marriage. As a good liberal, I am naturally opposed to Proposition 8. And Proposition 8 could easily pass. I have noticed in the last couple of weeks a few "Yes on 8" signs around Hercules, where I live. Aisling saw them and wanted to deface them. But as a good proponent of free speech and general not-troublemaker, I told her that she couldn't. Instead, I told her that we would get our own yard signs opposing Proposition 8. So I called my friend who is active in an organization called Marriage Equality USA and got a couple of yardsigns. I put one in our yard and planned to give some to other friends.
So last Saturday, I was invited to a friend's wedding. These friends happen to be gay. It was a really nice wedding, you can see my photos of flickr. I brought the remaining signs to the wedding, put one in their yard, gave one to someone else. We had a good time at the wedding - great food, wine and weather - and then headed home. When we got home, the No on 8 yardsign had been stolen from our yard! Someone wanted to restrict my free speech! I just think it's ironic that the sign was stolen when I was actually at a gay wedding! It's a right-wing conspiracy.
So the moral of the story is that Prop 8 could pass. So if you vote in California, get out and vote against it!