Yesterday (Wednesday) was a bad day. First, there was the whole passport thing (see previous blog entry) and then there’s the trouble with cats and dogs.
The day wasn’t getting off to a great start with the whole passport agency thing, when Gordon told me that on top of everything else, one of our cats, Sushi, was dead. He found her in the street, run over by a car. Now I must admit to being somewhat blasé about dead cats. I love cats, until Sushi’s demise we had three, now we’re down to two, but I have a really bad track record with them, killing six of them over the last two years. Well, to be honest, there’s only three confirmed fatalities, the other three are MIAs. In addition to Sushi, my first cat, Lizzie, was run over. Then another cat, Abby, got very sick and we had to have her put down. The other three – Willie, Pockets, and Bobo – all took off. I like to think that they went to nice new homes. Willie and Bobo just kind of wandered off, but Pockets’ escape was truly spectacular. I stupidly let Aisling bring her to school for show and tell when she was in elementary school. We got to the classroom and Aisling let her out of the cat carrier. Then the kids got all excited and Pockets sort of freaked out. When one of the kids accidentally opened the door, Pockets made her escape.
Anyhow, while I’m blasé about dead cats, Aisling isn’t. She was at school, so I planned to tell her when I got home from work. However, she came home at three, and couldn’t find Sushi and sort of freaked out. She pretty much became hysterical, and just started calling Gordon and bawling on the phone. Gordon was driving to San Diego, so there wasn’t much he could do. It just ended up with me leaving work early, abandoning an important meeting, and then getting home to her as soon as I could. By the time I got home, Dara had told her about Sushi, because none of us liked lying to her on the phone. She was really upset, of course, but eventually, she calmed down enough, and since Gordon was gone, and I can’t cook, I suggested that the three of us go out to dinner.
So we headed for the door, and as soon as we opened it, we saw a dead dog in the middle of the street. Actually, it wasn’t quite dead but very much dying. It was really shocking to see it right after what happened to Sushi. Aisling just turned and went back into the house, but Dara and I went out to see what was going on. Well it turns out that the dog was Max, the pet of Aisling’s friend, Alice. The woman who ran over the dog was talking to my neighbor, I went over to check it out, and then Alice came over from her house and, naturally, the poor child just lost it. When Aisling realized what was going on, she also got totally upset and the situation was really pretty intense and chaotic. Dara called Animal Control, the police came, we all generally complained about how fast people drive, and the dog got picked up and put into a bag, I took all the kids, including Alice, out to eat, but it was just very weird, two animals run over and killed on the same day in the same place.
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